laboratoire huiles essentielles bio

Carrot seed essential oil

Carrot seed essential oil, 5 mL

Carrot essential oil is skin friendly: it regenerates hepatic cells, acts as a cleanser, detoxifies, balances cholesterol levels, and is a great beauty product. Its role as a dermatological tonic means it has impressive skin revitalising and regenerating properties, interesting blemish correcting activity, and on top off all this slows down the appearance of the signs of ageing.


Please consult your doctor before taking any therapy or treatment orally. Oral administration: Take 2 drops of carrot essential oil, two times a day, with a little honey or a lozenge placed under the tongue. Use as such to benefit from this essential oil’s detoxifying effect on the liver and kidneys. On the skin: Mix 15 drops of carrot essential oil with 20ml of organic sweet almond oil, use this blend to counter acne or dry skin. By diffusion: Instil balance and vitalise your psyche by diffusing our organic carrot seed essential oil into the atmosphere.


Daucus carota

Origin: France

Capacity: 5 mL

VAT: 5,5%

Carrot seed essential oil

Our commitment

  • Certifié Agriculture Biologique
  • Cosmétique - Charte Cosmebio
  • Qualité France
  • Huile Essentielle Botanique et Biologiquement déterminée

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