laboratoire huiles essentielles bio
Organic Ginger

Organic Ginger

Zingiber officinalis

Botanical Properties

Ginger is a hardy herbaceous tropical plant that belongs to the Zingiberaceae family. It can reach 1m. Its flowers resemble those of the orchid. Its the famous ginger rhizome (or root) that makes this plant so famous.

Origin and history

Ginger has been used for traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine in India and Asia for over 5,000 years. In the Middle Ages, ginger was believed to be a magical plant and was used as an ingredient for love potions and aphrodisiacal drinks. Nowadays, its culinary uses and reputation as an aphrodisiac have travelled through time and across the continents.

Organoleptic properties

Aspect: liquid
Colour: pale yellow
Odour: spicy, warm

Distilled parts: Rhizomes

Country of origin: Madagascar

Density: 0.872 – 0.84


Main biochemical components or chemotype: Zingiberene, ß-sesquiphelandrene.
Allergenic molecules naturally present in this essential oil: Citral, Limonene, Linalool, Geraniol.
Certain natural components of this essential oil may cause allergic reactions. Please do an allergy test on the skin in the crease of your elbow before using this product.


Organic Ginger Essential Oil is also:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • A general tonic
  • Antiviral
  • Aphrodisiac
  • Digestive
  • Analgesic


With its stimulating properties, organic ginger essential oil revives the body.
It also enhances the appetite and facilitates digestion. It is often used to treat digestive disorders, spasmophilia, stomach pains in children, dyspepsia, flatulence and constipation. It is also recommended for loss of libido, periods of stress or travel sickness.



Please consult a doctor before taking any treatment or therapy orally.
Oral administration: 2 drops of organic ginger essential oil, 3 times a day, with a little honey and syrup, or on a lozenge for nausea or intestinal gases.
On the skin: Mix 4 drops of organic ginger essential oil + 4 drops of organic ylang ylang essential oil + 15ml of organic argan oil for a sensual and intense massage.
By diffusion: When diffused in the atmosphere, ginger essential oil helps combat sexual fatigue and impotency.

Possible synergies

Impotency: Cinnamon bark
Constipation: Tropical Basil

Energetic values and synergies

In energy aromatherapy, ginger essential oil is associated with the sacral chakra, or the 'Svadhistana'. It is red in colour. In China, it is considered to be a Yang-type food, which means that it heats the body, organs and heart.
By stimulating the sacred chakra, ginger activates energy flows, harmonises Yin and Yang and stimulates the sexual organs.
Aphrodisiac: Mint, ylang ylang.


Flammable. Oral use only under medical advice. Keep out of reach of children. Unadvisable for children under the age of three, pregnant or lactating women. Do not apply to the skin before exposing oneself to the sun. Can be used in cooking. Do not apply neat to the skin.   


The information given on this site regarding essential oils are only to be taken as indications. They do in no way, aim to replace any medical advice given by a qualified doctor. For all therapeutic uses, or if you wish to obtain more information on essential oils, please consult your doctor

Our commitment

  • Certifié Agriculture Biologique
  • Cosmétique - Charte Cosmebio
  • Qualité France
  • Huile Essentielle Botanique et Biologiquement déterminée

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