Origanum majorana
Botanical Properties
Marjoram belongs to the Lamiaceae family. It is an annual plant, that measures up to 60cm in height. It has small, trichome (velvety hair) covered leaves, which are oval in shape and dark green in colour. Its white or mauve flowers are clustered at the base of the leaves.
Origin and history
Marjoram originated in Cyprus or Turkey. It was cultivated by the Egyptians in 1000BC, as they used to utilise it their fragrances, medicine, and cuisine. Today, Marjoram can be found all around the Mediterranean basin. Aside from its therapeutic properties, it is also used to season many dishes such as stews, barbecues, pizza sauce, etc.
Organoleptic properties
Aspect: liquid
Colour: dark yellow
Odour: aromatic, herbal, like straw, sweet
Distilled parts: Over-ground structures
Country of origin: Egypte
Density: 0.885 – 0.805
Main biochemical components or chemotype: Terpinene-4-ol, Sabinene, gamma-Terpinene and alpha-Terpinene
Allergenic molecules naturally found within this essential oil: Geraniol, Limonene, Linalool
Certain natural components of this essential oil may cause allergic reactions. Please do an allergy test on the skin in the crease of your elbow before using this product.
Our organic marjoram essential oil is:
• A powerful stress relieving agent
• Nervous system regulating
• Hypotensive and sedative
• Soothing and calming
• Anaphrodisiac
• Antiseptic
• A powerful antibacterial
• Analgesic
• Fungicidal
• Antispasmodic
Organic marjoram essential oil will soothe and calm those feeling on edge, and is great for helping you de-stress. It is an indispensable weapon for those suffering from nerves-related problems, such as anxiety, sleep problems, irritability, agitation, and sexual obsessiveness.
We also recommend it against bronchitis, sinusitis, colds, otitis media, muscular rheumatisms, cramps, muscle contractures, and sciatica.
Please consult a doctor before taking any treatment or therapy orally.
Oral administration:
Take 2 drops of organic marjoram essential oil 3 times a day. Mix with some honey or syrup, or take with a lozenge to help nerves-related problems.
On the skin:
Mix 6 drops of organic marjoram essential oil and 10 drops of organic sesame oil, and apply to the celiac plexus against hypertension and heart palpitations.
By diffusion:
Thanks to its activity as a neurotonic, marjoram essential oil, when diffused, can act as an all-natural antidepressant and sedative
Possible synergies
In a blend: Common lavender
Energetic values and synergies
In energy aromatherapy, marjoram essential oil is linked to the sacred Svadhisthana chakra, which is considered the second chakra. It is associated with the colour orange and the element of water.
Marjoram essential oil will provide one with true serenity and joy. It allows one to regain control over their emotions, all whilst enabling one to let go.
Inflammable. Utilisation par voie orale sur avis médical. Tenir hors de portée des enfants. Éviter les contacts avec les yeux. Déconseillée aux enfants de moins de 3 ans et aux femmes enceintes ou allaitantes. Ne pas appliquer sur la peau avant une exposi
Les informations données sur les huiles essentielles à travers ce site internet sont délivrées à titre informatif. Ils ne sauraient en aucun cas remplacer les conseils administrés par un médecin. Pour toute utilisation thérapeutique ou si vous souhaitez o