Satureja montana
Botanical Properties
Savory is a vivacious plant that belongs to the Lamiaceae family. Sometimes referred to as mountain savory, it has short, leafy, lignified stalks that stem from the lower portion of the plant. This shrub measures between 10 and 40cm in height. When in bloom, which occurs from June til September, its flowers open up in whorls, and range from whit to lilac-pink.
Origin and history
Originating in the arid hillsides of the Midi and Mediterranean regions, savory is an aromatic, medicinal and culinary plant. During the Antiquity it was already considered a magical plant with aphrodisiac properties. Its use in cooking is already well known, as a few stems of savory flavour mijotés, grilled meats, and marinades
Organoleptic properties
Aspect: liquid
Colour: orange
Odour: aromatic, herbal
Distilled parts: Flowering tops
Country of origin: France
Density: 0,910-0,939
Main biochemical components or chemotype:
Carvacrol, para-Cymene
Allergenic molecules naturally found within this essential oil:
Limonene, Linalool, Geraniol
Certain natural components of this essential oil may cause allergic reactions. Please do an allergy test on the skin in the crease of your elbow before using this product.
Our organic savory essential oil is:
• A polyvalent and powerful antibacterial
• A major anti-infectious agent
• Antifungal
• Antiviral
• Tonic and stimulant
• Immunostimulant
• Aphrodisiac
• Antiparasitic
As a major anti-infectious agent, we recommend organic savory essential oil for all pulmonary infections, be it of viral or bacterial cause. We also advise its use for entiritis, cysititis, rheumatisms, and arthritis.
It is also a good general tonic and stimulant, and will act upon the nervous, circulatory, sexual, immune, and digestive systems.
Please consult a doctor before taking any treatment or therapy orally.
Oral administration:
Take 2 drops of organic savory essential oil 3 times a day with some honey or on a lozenge, to help treat all infections.
On the skin:
Mix 6 drops of organic savory essential oil with 20 drops of organic sesame essential oil, and apply topically to areas of joint pains and arthritis.
By diffusion:
By diffusing savory essential oil in your living spaces you will sanitise the air and ward off winter illness.
Possible synergies
As a major anti-infectious agent, we recommend organic savory essential oil for all pulmonary infections, be it of viral or bacterial cause. We also advise its use for entiritis, cysititis, rheumatisms, and arthritis.
It is also a good general tonic and stimulant, and will act upon the nervous, circulatory, sexual, immune, and digestive systems.
Energetic values and synergies
In energy aromatherapy savory essential oil is linked to the root chakra, Muladhara, and is thus associated with the colour red.
By activating this chakra, savory essential oil prevents and treats nervous fatigue, asthenia, and will nourish the body with energy.
Synergy: Cinnamon, Tea Tree
Inflammable. Utilisation par voie orale sur avis médical. Tenir hors de portée des enfants. Éviter les contacts avec les yeux. Déconseillée aux enfants de moins de 3 ans et aux femmes enceintes ou allaitantes. Ne pas appliquer sur la peau avant une exposi
Les informations données sur les huiles essentielles à travers ce site internet sont délivrées à titre informatif. Ils ne sauraient en aucun cas remplacer les conseils administrés par un médecin. Pour toute utilisation thérapeutique ou si vous souhaitez o