laboratoire huiles essentielles bio


Gaultheria frangantissima

Botanical Properties

Wintergreen is a low undergrowth shrub that reaches around 15cm in height and belongs to the Ericaceae family. It has bell shaped pale pink flowers, and evergreen, lightly dented leaves. During the autumn it is hard to miss its scarlet red berries that cover the undergrowth. 

Origin and history

Two species of wintergreen are unsed in aromatherapy: one is known as Gaultheria fragantissima, and originated in Nepal, whereas Gaultheria procumbens, which is used here, came from North America. Despite these species being genetically discrete, both species have similar medicinal properties. Amerindian shamans have used their leaves, either dried or fresh, for many, many generations in order to alleviate joint pain, treat rheumatisms, and lower bodily temperature in case of a fever

Organoleptic properties

 Aspect : liquid
 Colour : pink or pale yellow
 Odour : camphorous, warm


Distilled parts: Leaves

Country of origin: Nepal

Density: 1,160– 1,195


Main biochemical components or chemotype:
Methyl salicylate
Allergenic molecules that are naturally found within this essential oil:
Eugenol, Linalool
Certain natural components of this essential oil may cause allergic reactions. Please do an allergy test on the skin in the crease of your elbow before using this product.



Our organic wintergreen essential oil is:

  •  Antirheumatic
  •  Antalgic
  •  Anti-inflammatory
  •  Antispasmodic
  •  Urine tract drainer
  •  Febrifuge



Our organic wintergreen essential oil is an essential weapon against muscle pain, rheumatisms, cramps, myositis (inflammation of the muscle tissue), arthrosis, arthritis, and tendinitis. 



Please consult your doctor before taking any treatment or therapy orally.
Wintergreen essential oil should only ever be used externally and in solution. 
On the skin:
Mix 4 drops of organic wintergreen essential oils and 4 drops of sesame oil, and use as a topical ointment on all joint and muscle problems.
Synergy: Rosemary camphor, Lemon eucalytpus


Possible synergies

Synergie : Romarin à camphre, eucalyptus citronné

Energetic values and synergies

In energy aromatherapy, wintergreen essential oil is linked to the root chakra, Muladhara, which is associated with the colour red.
Through its powers which stimulate this chakra, it generates calm and happiness, all whilst relaxing one’s muscles. It also allows the Earth’s energy to enter the body, whilst feeding and fuelling one’s “roots” and giving vital force to the user.
Synergy: Immortelle, Lavander



Inflammable. Utilisation par voie orale sur avis médical. Tenir hors de portée des enfants. Éviter les contacts avec les yeux. Déconseillée aux enfants de moins de 3 ans et aux femmes enceintes ou allaitantes. Ne pas appliquer sur la peau avant une exposi


Les informations données sur les huiles essentielles à travers ce site internet sont délivrées à titre informatif. Ils ne sauraient en aucun cas remplacer les conseils administrés par un médecin. Pour toute utilisation thérapeutique ou si vous souhaitez o

Our commitment

  • Certifié Agriculture Biologique
  • Cosmétique - Charte Cosmebio
  • Qualité France
  • Huile Essentielle Botanique et Biologiquement déterminée

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